Tiffany Thomas

Premier Realtor® in Texas Hill Country

The Southern Pearls Group

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Comal County, look no further. We’ve got you.

Hi I’m Tiffany

Realtor, content creator, homeschooling mom of two and Texas girl who’s always up for park dates, tacos, and yard games.

I understand how emotionally daunting and stressful it can be to buy and sell a home. I also know how exhilarating (AND lucrative) it can be when you have a Realtor who’s thinking ahead, hustling 24/7 on your behalf, and watching your back.

That’s why I’m on a mission to deliver a full experience that feels less like a constant nag (because let’s be honest, we all have enough of those), and more like a fun tour of the town, where all you focus on is which places to enjoy making your next memories.

In other words, it’ll be the ultimate home-buying or selling experience EVER.

Let Me
Help you


I’ll help you get connected in the community and discover the gem you will soon own. You’ll have a competitive edge over other buyers with my local connections, negotiating skills and specialized knowledge of my market.


What’s the key to multiple buyer offers? Strategic preparation and marketing bring in the right buyers for your home and needs. The premium services and masterful negotiations I provide for all sellers will take care of your assets and make sure things finalize smoothly.

Shopping the Area?

Home searching beyond Comal County? I’m connected with a network of top agents across the country. Email me which areas you’re looking in, and I’ll provide a list of vetted Realtors in your inbox within 24 hours.

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Tiffany Thomas

$ 1 M +
Total Sales
1 %
List to Sold Ratio
1 +
Years in Real Estate

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What Our
Client's Say

We couldn't have done it with out the support and dedication we received from realtors that had to be hand picked by God for us due to their patience, understanding, support, and never giving up on us or the process, no matter how many times we wanted too!! There are no words for how thankful we are.

Rachel Sebesta

Our realtors gave us a lot of insight and guided us every step of the way the days following, months and even almost a year later before we moved into our home. They never doubted that is was impossible to make it happen on purchasing our first home. There was always a solution or way to get past some of the roadblocks we often faced. We continue to a have a wonderful friendship with our realtors sharing new memories of our special home. We couldn’t be any happier in our lives to come to a place we can finally call home sweet home. Thank you!!

Christina & Eddie Lopez

Tiffany is super dedicated and gives 1,000% to whatever she is asked to do. Her willingness to go above and beyond was one of the things I loved the most about her! If you have the chance to work with her, grab it with both hands!

Bobbie Schumacher

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    Download this free gift for some of my favorite professional tips to get things moving ready!

    Preparing Your Home To Sell Well

    Download this step-by-step guide for preparing your home for sale. If the details seem overwhelming, just call me! My team and I will help you prep your home faster and with less stress.

    Change of Address

    We probably all know about changing your address through the post office before moving to ensure the mail gets forwarded. Some mailed items get left out. For your convenience, I’ve created this quick reference tool of places to review. Here is my comprehensive list of who else you may need to contact. Small details make a difference in getting you settled in through any home transaction you undertake.

    Moving Checklist: 8 Weeks Out Countdow

    Eager to move and looking for direction to get started? I’ve created a moving checklist with you in mind. Whether you have 8-Weeks to relocate or 8-Days, download this gift to begin on the right foot.

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